The FCC now has requirements that have to be met by service providers and manufacturers of cell phones for the hard of hearing. Since January 2009, requirements to post information on service providers and manufacturers website have been a requirement. Wireless service providers are starting to offer information to their customers and training their employee's about hearing aid compatibility. For handsets using WI-FI, the FCC has not yet set any guidelines or requirements. As you can see the FCC is taking measures to see that hearing impaired people can make informative decisions when purchasing a cell phone.
Around 75% of the world population has cell phone access. So as you can see cell phones are necessities to everyone. Do you know that there are more mobile devices than people in the United States? With this kind of market companies are looking to satisfy their customers. This is big business and new technology is popping up every day that makes it easier to create devices for all kinds of people. People with hearing problems are looking to these new gadgets and expect manufacturers to provide a way for them to be able to use these devices just like ordinary people do.
The things to look for in a cell phone for those hard of hearing depend on the person buying the phone. They should be aware of how much of a hearing problem they have. This should be the starting point in looking at cell phones. If you wear a hearing aid than the cell phone you buy must be compatible with it. Buying a handset can help you because the phone is not close to your hearing aid and thus reduce interference. There two types, neck loops and ear loops and both do the same thing. Again, make sure your hearing aid is compatible with these devices.
If your hearing is not to bad maybe a cell phone with a good volume control is all you'll need. Make sure you try to find a phone with the volume button on the side instead of within the menu. This is easier to reach when adjusting the volume. Check the speaker phone, is it loud enough for you to hear? Can you use the phone on speaker phone if you are by yourself?
SMS texting can be a life savior for a person hard of hearing. Make sure the keypad is comfortable to use. There is software that can turn your voice into text but this is not reliable so you will have to check the text message every time but it could be easier than having to text a lot of messages. The most important thing to do when shopping for your cell phone is shop around and compare. This cannot be stressed enough. There are deals out there, you just need to shop.
William Z Moore is an internet marketing business owner. Selling full time on the internet and helping people find what they are looking are the main goals of the business.
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